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Lifelong writer of essays, memoir pieces, and poetry who is working to release the ball of angst, worry, and guilt associated with said writing.
Editor of Asian American Book Club. Novelist, essayist, Columbia prof. Personal writing can be found at @MarieMyungOkLee Twitter/Insta also @MarieMyungOkLee
Grace Loh Prasad is the author of The Translator’s Daughter, a debut memoir about living between languages, navigating loss, and the search for belonging.
Your mom likes my satire. Words in Points in Case, Slackjaw, Little Old Lady Comedy, Weekly Humorist, the Belladonna, the Offing etc. Follow for more!
Lori Peck is a woman who lives in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys long walks in the rain, a strong cup of coffee, and a good cliché.
News, interviews, advice, and commentary curated by the editors of Moms Don’t Have Time to Write.
Tracey Jane Cox is an English nonfiction author and columnist who specialises in books on dating, sex and relationships.
Low-maintenance ladyswagger.
Features Editor @ Chowhound. Former lead editor Writer of food, family and fiction. Based in Portland, OR. More at
The Samuelsons Family Travels
Ellen Catherine
Marie Myung-Ok Lee
Grace Loh Prasad
Asian American Book Club
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